Jeanne Electronic Toys!

Click on the photos to view larger images of these video captures! AFTER this page has fully loaded, click on this speaker to hear the commercial while you look at the photos!

Jeanne's 2nd Season Cross & Wand!
cross_wandtn.jpg I don't have all the details about this, but it's apparently a battery-operated toy that comes with the rhythm-gymnastics wand that Jeanne uses in season 2!
The Rosario Rouge toy!
crossgirltn.jpg Jeanne's cross is more like a wand in the anime version..."Jeanne D'Arc yo! Chikara wo kashite!"
crossclosetn.jpg ....presumably, so Bandai could market it as a wand-like toy!
crosswinktn.jpg This handheld game lets you hunt demons with Jeanne! Use the navigation table at the bottom of this page to hear the sounds; just click on "Sound Files".
toyad1tn.jpg The ending scene of this commercial, which sparkles with lovely special effects.
The Petit Claire toy!
commhandtn.jpg You never saw this communicator in the manga version....But it sure makes for another great toy concept!
commgirltn.jpg "Checkmate!"
commjeannetn.jpg Like the previous toy, this also features a handheld game based on the Jeanne series.
toyad2tn.jpg Here's the ending scene of another effects-filled commercial.

Photo gallery
Ribon commercials
Sound files
Dress-up clothes
Fan art